
Wonder Woman (2017) – Diana’s Training Scene (1/10) | Clip

Wonder Woman – Diana’s Training: Antiope (Robin Wright) trains Diana (Gal Gadot) like no Amazon ever before, but Diana has a …

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  1. Diana's mother said to her that no good heroes are not born from lies but truths. But despite what she said, Hippolyta is a hypocrite because everything she said to her daughter is untrue. Hippolyta lied to Diana about the sword being the god killer, to hid the fact she's the god killer herself. Hippolyta forbid Diana from training claiming she wasn't ready for it, but it was because she didn't want her daughter to be strong fighter and because she's (again) a god killer, Hippolyta had lied so much of the history of Greece myth of Amazons because they're not daughters of Zeus, Amazons are daughters of Ares. And mankind are against them because of their brutal and savage behaviours, at which they inhered by their biological father. Also, Diana is not born from clay like her mother said, Diana was born of union between her mother and Zeus. She must have made-up the stories herself to hide the truth of the myths of their past to protect herself from her daughter's negative feelings about her.

  2. I never quite understood this scene. Did Diana not know she could do that? Did her mom regret letting her train or something? Her aunt seems happy or prideful or something but her mom seems the opposite lol

  3. Gal Gadot is a beautiful woman but Hollywood doesn't know what a Wonder Woman truly is they have no idea, I would've went and got Jade Cargil or a true Amazon like Nicole Ankney, you can wash your clothes on Jade's and Nicole's abs.

  4. For anyone making this film their first time learning about Wonder Woman, I suggest watching the film "Professor Marston and The Wonder Women" first. Largely based on a true story, it properly frames the context for Wonder Woman, and I felt it was even more indulging and compelling than the character herself.

    This Wonder Woman film was good, but it will always be a step down for me from the story behind the character.

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