Movie & TV-Series

The 1% Club Questions & Answers for Season 1 (2024)

If you’re looking for The 1% Club questions and answers, you’ve come to the right place. Hosted by actor and comedian Patton Oswalt, this new hit game show on FOX and Amazon Prime asks brain-teasing puzzles, instead of typical trivia questions. Similar to an IQ test, these riddles are based on logic, common sense, and general knowledge, so anyone can try answering them. Care to give them a try? Here’s a handy list of every question and answer for the first season of The 1% Club.

(Update: We have added the questions and answers for Episode 6 that aired on July 8, 2024.)

List of The 1% Club questions and answers for 2024

The following is a chronological list of The 1% Club questions and answers by episode in Season 1 (2024). We have hidden the answers (click on the arrows to reveal them!), so that you can work them out on your own. You can use the quick list below to jump to the Season 1 episode you want the answers for.

Episode 1 Questions and Answers – June 3, 2024

90% Question & Answer

(Image Credit: FOX)

Q: Which hot air balloon photo cannot be real? (photo above)

Answer to 90% Question

– B: You can tell B is altered because the hot air balloon doesn’t match its reflection.

80% Question & Answer

Q: Logically, which one can you count on to come next in the sentence below? “I AM THE ONLY _____”

  • (A) Crocodile, (B) Woman, or (C) Mechanic
Answer to 80% Question

– B: Each word in the sentence has one more letter than the previous one so the next word must have 5 letters.

70% Question & Answer

Q: Wednesday, Will and Wanda went out to lunch. At the end of the meal, one of them paid the bill, but it wasn’t Will or Wanda. Who paid for lunch?

Answer to 70% Question

– Wednesday. In the paragraph above, Wednesday is the name of a person, not a day of the week.

60% Question & Answer

(Image Credit: FOX)

Q: If you turned this photo right side up, which part would be wrong? (photo above)

Answer to 60% Question

– Mouth. The mouth is upside down when the photo is right side up.

50% Question & Answer

Q: In the classic game, if you say “He loves me” while plucking a flower’s first petal, which flower would end with “He loves me not”?

  • (A) One with 5 petals, (B) One with 50 petals, or (C) One with 555 petals
Answer to 50% Question

– “He loves me not” is said when plucking even-numbered petals, and the only even-numbered flower has 50 petals.

45% Question & Answer

Q: You can rearrange the letters of the two states below to create two other states’ names. What are the new states? “NORTH CAROLINA, SOUTH DAKOTA”

Answer to 45% Question

– South Carolina and North Dakota. If you simply swap NORTH and SOUTH, it creates the names of two new states: South Carolina and North Dakota.

40% Question & Answer

(Image Credit: FOX)

Q: In this grid where the same letter never appears in consecutive squares, reading horizontally and vertically only, how many times does the word “TREE” appear? (photo above)

Answer to 40% Question

– ZERO. If the same letter can’t appear next to itself, it is impossible to spell the word TREE which has consecutive E’s.

35% Question & Answer

Q: Emphasize the first syllable of this six-letter word, and it’s a dry place. Emphasize the second syllable of the same word, and it means to abandon someone of something. What’s the word?

Answer to 35% Question

– Desert.

30% Question & Answer

(Image Credit: FOX)

Q: Which picture is 23rd in this series? (photo above)

Answer to 30% Question

– B: Whale. A is for apple, B is for ball, and since there are 26 letters of the alphabet, #23 is W for whale.

25% Question & Answer

Q: Logically, what comes next in the sequence below? EINN, ENT, EEELNV, EELTVW, ______

Answer to 25% Question

– A: EEHINRTT. The words NINE, TEN, ELEVEN and TWELVE have had their letters rearranged in alphabetical order. Next would be a rearranged version of THIRTEEN.

20% Question & Answer

Q: If you were singing “Happy Birthday to You” to your friend Zendaya, you would sing two words exactly once: “Zendaya” and what?

Answer to 20% Question

– Dear. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, DEAR Zendaya, happy birthday to you.

15% Question & Answer

Q: Which month has the same number of letters in its name as its order in the calendar?

Answer to 15% Question

– September. September has 9 letters and is the ninth month.

10% Question & Answer

(Image Credit: FOX)

Q: On this fictional map, what number replaces the question mark? (photo above)

Answer to 10% Question

– 5. Each number represents the number of other countries the area borders. The country with a question mark borders 5 other countries.

5% Question & Answer

Q: What’s the largest two-digit number that looks the same right side up as it does upside down?

Answer to 5% Question

– 96.

1% Question & Answer

(Image Credit: FOX)

Q: Wes just typed in his password with chocolate on his fingers. His password is 7 letters long, but only uses 4 unique letters. You can also type his password in backwards and it will still work. What is Wes’ password? (photo above)

Answer to 1% Question

– ROTATOR. The 4 letters with smudges are R, O, T, and A. The only 7 letter word that you can spell backwards and forwards using those letters is ROTATOR and that is Wes’ password.

Episode 2 Questions & Answers – June 10, 2024

90% Question & Answer

Q: Which fictional character, if the letters in their name are written only once, would have the name LITERDNGHO?

  • (A) Little Red Riding Hood, (B) Little Mermaid, or (C) Lil Wayne
Answer to 90% Question

– A: If you double or triple some of the letters, you get Little Red Riding Hood.

80% Question & Answer

(Image Credit: FOX)

Q: How would this stack of hats look if viewed from above? (photo above)

Answer to 80% Question

– A. Since the black hat is the widest hat, the red hat would not be seen from above.

70% Question & Answer

Q: Which sign, when reversed, may be interpreted by a customer to mean that the restaurant is closed?

  • (A) LO MEIN, (B) WON TON, or (C) DIM SUM
Answer to 70% Question

– B: WON TON. The sign with WON TON, when flipped over reads NOT NOW, signaling the restaurant is closed.

60% Question & Answer

Q: Which state can be turned into another state by adding two letters to the beginning?

  • (A) Utah, (B) Kansas, (C) Alaska, or (D) Virginia
Answer to 60% Question

– B: Kansas. If you add A and R to Kansas, you get Arkansas.

50% Question & Answer

Q: Which two of these six words can you put together to form a common word?

Answer to 50% Question

– PASSION. The words PASS and ION can be combined to make the word PASSION.

45% Question & Answer

(Image Credit: FOX)

Q: Every time I travel somewhere new, I drop a postcard on top of the previous one. What was the third place I visited? (photo above)

Answer to 45% Question

– A: The Great Wall of China. First was the Leaning Tower of Pisa, second was Kilimanjaro, and the third was the Great Wall of China.

40% Question & Answer

Q: In this puzzle, which of these is the same as writing eleven plus two?

  • (A) Twelve plus one, (B) Ten plus three, or (C) Eight plus five
Answer to 40% Question

– A: Twelve plus one. If you unscramble ELEVEN PLUS TWO, you will be able to spell TWELVE PLUS ONE.

35% Question & Answer

(Image Credit: FOX)

Q: If you turn the red X’s 45 degrees to the left and turn the white X’s 90 degrees to the right, which configuration will you get? (photo above)

Answer to 35% Question

– A.

30% Question & Answer

Q: Which one of the options below would be able to fill in the blanks to make this word complete. “_L_E_N_T_N_”

  • (A) F_O_R_A_I_S, (B) A_T_R_A_I_G, or (C) S_E_P_W_I_G
Answer to 30% Question

– B: A_T_R_A_I_G. Adding an A, T, R, A, I, and G to the alternating blanks spells ALTERNATING.

25% Question & Answer

Q: If sequined hats are $5 each and neon-colored socks are $4 a pair, how much does it cost to buy four hats and twelve socks?

  • (A) $24, (B) $44, (C) $68, or (D) $72
Answer to 25% Question

– B: $44. 12 socks is only 6 pairs, which cost $24. Add $20 in hats and you get $44.

20% Question & Answer

(Image Credit: FOX)

Q: Who is not not hungry? (photo above)

Answer to 20% Question

– C: Chip. The two nots cancel each other out. The only one who is not NOT hungry is Chip who is starving.

15% Question & Answer

(Image Credit: FOX)

Q: If only one letter changes at each step of this word ladder, what’s the missing word? (photo above)

Answer to 15% Question

– SOOT. Changing the letter L in the word SLOT to an O creates SOOT and bridges the gap on the ladder in between SLOT and SOON.

10% Question & Answer

Q: Look INSIDE the ROUND numbers to crack the code for the value of 1898.

  • 1990 = 3, 2123 = 0, 1788 = 4, 2020 = 2, 1898 = ?
Answer to 10% Question

– 5. The value represents the number of closed circles in the numbers.

5% Question & Answer

Q: Logically, what letter comes next in the sequence? “LWLCNIT_”

Answer to 5% Question

– S. The sequence is the first letters of each word in the sentence. The next word, sequence, begins with an S.

1% Question & Answer

(Image Credit: FOX)

Q: I wanted to spell with my spoonful of alphabet soup. What’s the longest word I could create using the letters in the spoon as many times as I want?

Answer to 1% Question

– INCONVENIENCED. These letters can spell many words, but the longest is 14 letters, INCONVENIENCED.

Episode 3 Questions & Answers – June 17, 2024

90% Question & Answer

(Image Credit: FOX)

Q: Which image below shows a box of clocks on rocks without socks? (photo above)

Answer to 90% Question

– C.

80% Question & Answer

(Image Credit: FOX)

Q: Based on their starting point, which little piggy is the only one whose path leads all the way home? (photo above)

  • (A) BACON, (B) WILBUR, or (C) PORKIE
Answer to 80% Question


70% Question & Answer

(Image Credit: FOX)

Q: If I start by moving the shell that is farthest to the left all the way to the far right side, and then swap that shell with the one just left of it, what will the shells spell out? (photo above)

Answer to 70% Question


60% Question & Answer

(Image Credit: FOX)

Q: What image below can be inserted in this image to finish this famous six-word quote?

Answer to 60% Question

– C. “To be or not to be”… that is the answer.

50% Question & Answer

Q: Sam is from the Bahamas, Gene is from Senegal, Ira is from Bulgaria. What country is Liza from?

  • (A) Brazil, (B) France, or (C) Zimbabwe
Answer to 50% Question

– A: Brazil. Each of their names appears backward in the name of their country.

45% Question & Answer

Q: Mr. and Mrs. Kim have five sons. Each son has one sister. How many children do the Kims have?

Answer to 45% Question

– 6. All five brothers have the same sister, so there are six kids in total.

40% Question & Answer

(Image Credit: FOX)

Q: Greta flattened out this box before putting it in the recycling bin. Which of these images shows the flattened box? (photo above)

Answer to 40% Question

– A. Box A is the only one that has a smiley face on a pink square and a heart on a turquoise square.

35% Question & Answer

Q: Solve the equation.

  • P = 2, E = 3, R = 5, C = 4, N = 1, T = 4
  • P+E+R+C+E+N+T = ?
Answer to 35% Question

– 22. You have to add all of the digits, including E twice, for 22 total.

30% Question & Answer

(Image Credit: FOX)

Q: Which of these cards is least likely to be found in a standard deck? (photo above)

Answer to 30% Question

– B: 10 of hearts. The 10 of hearts should be a red card, not a black card.

25% Question & Answer

(Image Credit: FOX)

Q: What blocks will fill in this wall and make it a rectangle? (photo above)

Answer to 25% Question

– C.

20% Question & Answer

(Image Credit: FOX)

Q: Take a look at the image below. What does this pattern represent? (photo above)

Answer to 20% Question

– The Alphabet.

15% Question & Answer

Q: How many capitals are in the sentence below? “While visiting the United States, I traveled to California, Texas, and Washington, D.C.”

  • (A) 4, (B) 6, (C) 8, or (D) 10
Answer to 15% Question

– D: 10. There are 9 capital letters in the sentence, plus Washington, D.C., the capital of our country, for a total of 10 capitals.

10% Question & Answer

(Image Credit: FOX)

Q: A word square uses the same words across and down. The plural of what fruit fills in 3 across and down, so that the rest of the valid words are also filled in? (photo above)

Answer to 10% Question


5% Question & Answer

Q: If you were to add each individual digit that appears on a 12-hour digital clock, at what time would you have the largest sum?

Answer to 5% Question

– 9:59. On the hour side, the highest possible sum is 9 and on the minute side, the highest possible sum is 14 (5+9).

1% Question & Answer

Q: Last month was not May or July. Next month is not January, March, or November. Neither last month nor next month is April, August, December, What month must it be?

Answer to 1% Question

– April. The “last month” clue rules out June and August. The “next month” clue rules out December, February, and October. The “neither last month nor next month” clue rules out every other month except April.

Episode 4 Questions & Answers – June 24, 2024

90% Question & Answer

Q: If someone took a plane to Pleasantville, then rode a bus to Buffalo, and caught a train to Trenton, logically, where would they take a taxi?

Answer to 90% Question

– B: Tampa. The first two letters of each vehicle match the city they are traveling to, so logically they should take a taxi to Tampa.

80% Question & Answer

(Image Credit: FOX)

Q: If Ryan and Craig are working out with blue weights that weigh 45 pounds each and red weights that weight 25 pounds each, and each bar holding their weights weighs the same, who is lifting more weight. (photo above)

Answer to 80% Question

– A: Ryan. Ryan’s weights total 230 pounds, while Craig’s only total 200.

70% Question & Answer

(Image Credit: FOX)

Q: Which row of pictures would win a game of tic-tac-toe, based on the letters of the objects pictured? (photo above)

  • (A) Top row, (B) Middle row, or (C) Bottom row
Answer to 70% Question

– C: Bottom row. The bottom row contains an orange, an olive, and an onion. Three O’s.

60% Question & Answer

Q: These celebrities all have long names, but whose first name has the most syllables?

  • (A) Drew Barrymore, (B) George Stephanopoulous, or (C) Arnold Schwarzenegger
Answer to 60% Question

– C: Arnold Schwarzenegger. They all have long names, but we asked whose FIRST name has the most syllables. Drew and George both have one syllable, but Arnold has two.

50% Question & Answer

(Image Credit: FOX)

Q: Count the number of noodles, both white and black. How many total noodles are there? (image above)

Answer to 50% Question

– 7.

45% Question & Answer

(Image Credit: FOX)

Q: Which of these comes next in the sequence below? (image above)

Answer to 45% Question

– B. The monster advances 3 square clockwise, and spins one quarter turn clockwise.

40% Question & Answer

Q: Which answer can be combined with the pattern below to make it RIGHT? (image above)

Answer to 40% Question

– B. Put the lines together and they spell RIGHT.

35% Question & Answer

Q: What comes next in this sequence: THIRST, RECKONED, BIRD…?

  • (A) STORE, (B) NORTH, or (C) BRIDGE
Answer to 35% Question

– B: NORTH. The words in the sequence rhyme with FIRST, SECOND, and THIRD, so the FOURTH must be NORTH.

30% Question & Answer

Q: Rue is very secretive and hid her three-digit locker combination in a text to a friend. What is her combination?

  • Text message: “Ate too much for lunch again!”
Answer to 30% Question

– A: 8-2-4. In Rue’s text, the words “ate” “too” and “for” sound like the numbers 8, 2, 4.

25% Question & Answer

Q: Which one of the getaway spots below belongs to this list? INGLENOOK INN, CHARLOTTE HOTEL, ASPEN SPA

Answer to 25% Question

– A: ROSETREE RESORT. Each of their names contain the letters of the second word within the first word. The letters INN are found in INGLENOOK, and the letters RESORT are found in ROSETREE.

20% Question & Answer

Q: The 3 wolves, 12 racoons, 6 elephants, and 7 kangaroos pictured here would have an exact total of which of these? (photo above)

  • (A) 100 legs, (B) 30 heads, (C) 12 tusks, or (D) 50 ears
Answer to 20% Question

– C. The elephants are the only animals with tusks so, since 6×2=12, you can ignore the other options.

15% Question & Answer

Q: By cracking the code, what comes next in this sequence? (image above)

Answer to 15% Question

– B. These are the numbers 3, 4, 5, and 6 mirrored, so the next in the sequence is 7 mirrored.

10% Question & Answer

Q: What month comes next in the sequence below?

  • April, August, December, February, __________
Answer to 10% Question

– January. These are the months in alphabetical order, so January would fill in the blank.

5% Question & Answer

Q: In this word puzzle if you go South, then East, then North, then South again, then East again, and finally South again, what six-letter word will you come to.

Answer to 5% Question

– SENSES. Take the first letter of each direction word to create SENSES.

1% Question & Answer

Q: What four-word phrase can you get if you keep everything below, but remove “two letters” in order?

  • T I W O A M L A W E T I N T E N R E S R
Answer to 1% Question

– I AM A WINNER. If you remove the letters T-W-O-L-E-T-T-E-R-S, in order, from that sequence, you’re left with I-A-M-A-W-I-N-N-E-R.

Episode 5 Questions & Answers – July 1, 2024

90% Question & Answer

(Image Credit: FOX)

Q: Which word below does not accurately describe itself? (photo above)

Answer to 90% Question

– BLANK. The colors are all correct, but the one that is black actually says BLANK, which it is not.

80% Question & Answer

(Image Credit: FOX)

Q: Which of these images doesn’t match up? (photo above)

Answer to 80% Question

– A. There is a bow on a bow, a bat on a bat, but the sock on a basketball doesn’t match up.

70% Question & Answer

Q: Which food’s letters are NOT in alphabetical order?

  • (A) Almonds, (B) Beef, (C) Chips
Answer to 70% Question

– A: Almonds. The letter N comes before O, and both of those letters come before D.

60% Question & Answer

(Image Credit: FOX)

Q: In this stack of standard six-sided dice, if the number on the bottom of each is 6, what number belongs on top of the stack? (photo above)

Answer to 60% Question

– One. On a standard die, the opposite sides always add up to 7, so opposite the 6 is a 1.

50% Question & Answer

Q: There’s a group of bicycles and tricycles that all together has 100 pedals and 120 wheels. Which of these is the only possible combination?

  • (A) 10 bicycles, 50 tricycles, (B) 30 bicycles, 20 tricycles, and (C) 50 bicycles, 10 tricycles
Answer to 50% Question

– B. When you divide 100 pedals by 2 pedals per bike or trike, you get 50 total so the only viable answer is 30 bicycles and 20 tricycles.

45% Question & Answer

(Image Credit: FOX)

Q: You must push the correct button to get out of the escape room. But the statements on both of the buttons are lies. Which button do you push? (photo above)

Answer to 45% Question

– A. If it was a square, that would mean both buttons were telling the truth, which is not possible. Therefore, both must be lying, and the triangle on the left is the escape room button.

40% Question & Answer

Q: Flo Rida is a rapper who took his name from the U.S. state he was born in. Which of these rapper names is most like Flo Rida’s name?

  • (A) Phil Adelphia, (B) Al Aska, (C) Louis Ville
Answer to 40% Question

– B: Al Aska. Al Aska, like Flo Rida, is derived from a U.S. state. The other two come from U.S. cities.

35% Question & Answer

(Image Credit: FOX)

Q: Jennifer has a date with Ben. Which pair of shoes will be the most comfortable? (photo above)

Answer to 35% Question

– B. B is the only pair that has a left and right shoe.

30% Question & Answer

Q: Taylor has a very particular way of ordering her grocery list. According to her system, which item would go at #5? 1. Avocado, 2. Dover Sole, 3. Lettuce, 4. Celery, 5. ???

  • (A) Tortillas, (B) Rye Bread, (C) Mayonnaise, or (D) Energy Bars
Answer to 30% Question

– B: Rye Bread. Each item starts with the last two letters of the previous item.

25% Question & Answer

(Image Credit: FOX)

Q: It’s 8 a.m. now . If the Ferris wheel makes one complete revolution every 6 minutes, where will the blue car be at 12:05 p.m.? (image above)

Answer to 25% Question

– A. At 12 p.m., the blue car will be in the same position it is now. So in 5 more minutes, the wheel will make 5/6 of a revolution.

20% Question & Answer

Q: Which of these compass directions words can you insert into the letteres below to form another actual word? ARUCK

  • (A) NORTH, (B) SOUTH, (C) EAST, (D) WEST
Answer to 20% Question

– D: WEST. This forms the word AWESTRUCK.

15% Question & Answer

(Image Credit: FOX)

Q: Look at the puzzle below. What number should replace the question mark? (image above)

Answer to 15% Question

– 9. The number refers to the number of line intersections there are. In the final illustration, the lines intersect a total of 9 times.

10% Question & Answer

Q: What three-letter word will you get if you rotate the first and last letters below 90 degrees to the left and rotate the middle letter 90 degrees to the right?

Answer to 10% Question

– WIN.

5% Question & Answer

Q: If Cooper’s boat has a ladder hanging off its side that’s 12 feet long, with the bottom 3 feet submerged in water, how much of the ladder will be underwater if the tide rises 4 feet?

Answer to 5% Question

– 3 feet. The boat rises with the tide, and so does the ladder.

1% Question & Answer

Q: Listen up! What is the only letter of the alphabet logically missing from this list?

Answer to 1% Question

– V. If you listen to the sounds of those letters, they all rhyme with each other. The only missing letter that also rhymes is V.

Episode 6 Questions and Answers – July 8, 2024

90% Question & Answer

Q: If two sets of triplets born on a Tuesday each have two sets of twins born on a Thursday, how many of these twins and triplets were born on a Tuesday?

Answer to 90% Question

– B: 6. Only two sets of triplets were born on Tuesday, making the answer 6.

80% Question & Answer

(Image Credit: FOX)

Q: What position in sports is pictured here when you combine these two images? (picture above)

Answer to 80% Question

– Quarterback. Quarter + back = Quarterback.

70% Question & Answer

(Image Credit: FOX)

Q: What would this stained-glass window look like if you viewed it from the other side? (pictured above)

Answer to 70% Question

– B.

60% Question & Answer

(Image Credit: FOX)

Q: Blue crabs are always the smallest. Yellow crabs are smaller than pink crabs. Pink crabs are never as big as red crabs. Green crabs are never separated from red crabs. The largest crab is always at the front. Which is the correct crab order? (picture above)

Answer to 60% Question

– A. Green crabs are never separated from red crabs.

50% Question & Answer

Q: What one letter can go after each of the letters below to spell a fruit?

Answer to 50% Question

– A. This spells PAPAPYA.

45% Question & Answer

Q: Figure this one out and it will be MUSIC to your ears. Which of the following words should come next in this sequence? DOUGH, REAL, MINT, FAINT, SOLID, LAP, TIARA

  • (A) JUNK, (B) KING, or (C) DOOR
Answer to 45% Question

– C: DOOR. The first two letters of each word correlate to a musical note on the major scale: DO – RE – MI – FA – SOL – LA – TI. The next note would be DO, so DOOR is correct.

40% Question & Answer

(Image Credit: FOX)

Q: Apart from being rotated, three of these are exactly the same picture. Which one is different? (picture above)

Answer to 40% Question

– C. In C, the green arrow is pointing toward the barrel.

35% Question & Answer

(Image Credit: FOX)

Q: What comes next in the sequence? (picture above)

Answer to 35% Question

– B. These are the hands on a clock, going forward by 30 minutes each time, starting at 3 and ending up at 4:30.

30% Question & Answer

Q: “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” shares the same tune as the “Alphabet Song”. If you and a friend sang both songs at the same time, what letter of the alphabet would you sing as your friend sings the word “star” for the first time?

Answer to 30% Question

– G.

25% Question & Answer

(Image Credit: FOX)

Q: Which word is directly under after and directly after under? (picture above)

Answer to 25% Question


20% Question & Answer

Q: Sam Jones was born on March 5. Josephine Li was born on September 2. Bartholomew Cunningham was born on November 10. Following that same pattern, when was Olivia Perez born?

  • (A) April 18, (B) June 5, (C) December 1, (D) July 4, (E) July 5
Answer to 20% Question

– B: June 5. If you write out everyone’s birthday in calendar format, the numbers match up to the number of letters in their first and last name. Olivia has 6 letters, Perez has 5, so her birthday is 6/5 or June 5.

15% Question & Answer

Q: If you take the word CHEER and move each of its letters seven letters forward in the alphabet, you get another word which means “full of cheer”. What is it?

Answer to 15% Question


10% Question & Answer

Q: How many series of three dots are in the sentence below?

  • We’re up to our usual hijinks … we traveled to Beijing … then eloped to Fiji
Answer to 10% Question

– 5. There are two ellipses in the sentence, plus the series of three dots over the i’s and j’s in hijinks, Beijing, and Fiji.

5% Question & Answer

Q: If SEVEN – ONE = 2, and NINE + THREE = 9, what is TEN + TWO?

Answer to 5% Question

– 6. This is asking about the number of letters in each number, not the number itself. 3 letters in TEN plus 3 letters in TWO equals 6.

1% Question & Answer

Q: What word are you left with if you DEBUG this line of code?

Answer to 5% Question

– VICTORY. If you remove all the bugs from that line (ANT, FLEA, BEETLE, TICK), the remaining letters spell VICTORY.

Episode 7 Questions and Answers – July 15, 2024

90% Question & Answer

(Image Credit: Fox)

Q: Each of these glasses below is exactly the same size. Which one contains the most water? (photo above)

Answer to 90% Question

– B: The penny is the smallest object, so its glass contains the most water.

80% Question & Answer

Q: Which one of these is kneaded to make bread?

  • (A) Pan, (B) Rolling PIn, or (C) Dough
Answer to 80% Question

– C: Dough. You might NEED the others, but you only KNEAD the dough.

70% Question & Answer

(Image Credit: FOX)

Q: What five-letter word can be made if you move the slats in the direction each arrow points? (image above)

Answer to 70% Question


60% Question & Answer

Q: What word below comes next in this sequence? TWINKLE, LITTLE, HOW, WONDER, ________

  • (A) ARE, (B) YOU, (C) ABOVE, (D), WORLD
Answer to 60% Question

– B: YOU. The sequence is every other word in “Twinkle, Twinkly, Little Star”.

50% Question & Answer

(Image Credit: FOX)

Q: Three roommates had a see-through shower curtain made with each of their names on it. Which name will read the same when viewed from inside the shower? (image above)

Answer to 50% Question

– A: TIMOTHY. The name TIMOTHY contains all symmetrical letters, so, reading vertically, none of the letters will be backward inside the shower.

45% Question & Answer

(Image Credit: FOX)

Q: The following people live on Hue Avenue. Logically, who lives in the black house? (Image above)

  • (A) Bruno, (B) Zorro, or (C) No One
Answer to 45% Question

– A: Bruno. The first letter of their name matches the color of the house, so Bruno lives in the black house.

40% Question & Answer

(Image Credit: FOX)

Q: Someone replaced the standard numbers on the clock with these symbols. So what is the solution to the equation below? (image above)

  • (A) 6, (B) 12, (C) 15, or (D) 20
Answer to 40% Question

– D: 20. 10 + 12 – 5 + 3 = 20.

35% Question & Answer

Q: Which U.S. state has had all its vowels removed here? “H”.

Answer to 35% Question


30% Question & Answer

Q: Ellen and her wife went on a cruise with their three daughters Tegan, Sara and Kara, plus three children in each daughter’s family. How many family members went on the cruise in total?

Answer to 30% Question

– 14. Two wives, three children, plus nine grandchildren.

25% Question & Answer

(Image Credit: FOX)

Q: The baby is playing with three letter blocks. Each block has four letters in alphabetical order. The letters facing the baby are the earliest ones for each block. What are those letters? (image above)

Answer to 25% Question

– DNA.

20% Question & Answer

Q: If New Zealand is 19 hours ahead of Seattle, and your 12-hour flight from New Zealand leaves at 9 p.m. Friday, what day is it when you land in Seattle?

Answer to 20% Question

– Friday. Because Seattle is 19 hours behind, it’ll be 2 p.m. Friday when your flight lands.

15% Question & Answer

(Image Credit: FOX)

Q: In the square below, how many ways can you find three in a row across, down, or diagonally of the same letter OR the same color?

Answer to 15% Question

– 2. One diagonal is all B’s, and the other diagonal is all purple.

10% Question & Answer

(Image Credit: FOX)

Q: Which country below comes earliest alphabetically? (image above)

Answer to 10% Question

– Brazil. Africa is a continent, not a country, so Brazil is the earliest country alphabetically.

5% Question & Answer

Q: If a snail at the bottom of a 10-foot-deep hole climbs 3 feet up the side each day, and slips back 2 feet each night, how many days will it take it to get out of the hole?

Answer to 5% Question

– 8 days. On the 8th day, it climbs up the final 3 feet and is out of the well.

1% Question & Answer

(Image Credit: FOX)

Q: What are the commonly known four-letter words that can be found inside the five words listed below? (image above)

Answer to 1% Question

– PUMP, PAGE, HERE. The 3 common four-letter words hidden within these five words are PUMP, PAGE, and HERE.

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