
Spider-Man Movie (2002) – Uncle Ben’s Death Scene (4/10) | Clip

Spider-Man – Uncle Ben’s Death: Peter (Tobey Maguire) discovers that Uncle Ben (Cliff Robertson) has been murdered by the …

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  1. Man I remember watching this as a kid on vhs. Say whatever you want about the trilogy, this was hands down one of the most emotionally raw scenes I’ve ever watched in movies. Made me feel like I lost my own uncle. Rest easy Cliff Robertson

  2. If I was living in NYC I would be like Peter Parker for multiple reasons one my grandfather was like Uncle Ben and I can relate to Peter’s pain and it’s a shame that NYC doesn’t have anyone to look up too to give people hope despite all the evil in this world and if the people of NYC want to have a bright future they have a lot of changes they need to improve on!!!

  3. I'm sure had he stopped him, Ben wouldn't have been killed, Sandman wouldn't have been "born", Venom would've fought solo, Norman & Harry would both be alive & probably a duo, gotten the money for a reward. & so many things wouldn't have happened. Amazing how things work huh? Butterfly effects

  4. I think there's something to be learned from this scene, and that's that revenge doesn't end up well. It might make you feel good for a brief moment but there will ALWAYS be consequences just like with every decision we make. Peter could've stopped the robber, but he decided against it just because he wanted to get back to the guy who scammed him. If only Peter had stopped the robber, his uncle wouldn't have died on the sidewalk. Never go for revenge guys. It only makes you bitter and it will always get worse.

  5. I think if Uncle Ben didn't die, Peter would probably have become a criminal. He saw that stealing works better than trying to go about it honestly and now he had the means to be unstoppable.

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