
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) – Washington Monument Rescue Scene (3/10) | Clip

Spider-Man: Homecoming – Washington Monument Rescue: Spider-Man (Tom Holland) climbs the Washington Monument to …

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  1. Tobey and Andrew how you do that
    Tom pull my web my web shooters
    you can do that
    Tobey and Andrew no no way we need that save mj and gwen go back our different universe
    Tom do this again with my girlfriend
    Michelle Andrew ruined my moments Andrew sorry tom this ok do this again mj your universe Andrew think you actually need that

  2. 🤔🤨😐😮💨Once, Buddha, at the end of his life, said that he lived until that day, and did not find the supreme truth he sought so much. Jesus however said: "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. Mt 14:6. Jesus is the only way that leads us to God and eternal life, he is the supreme truth, there is no greater wisdom than his, he is life. It is impossible to have life without Jesus both here and in eternity. Without him, there will only be sufferings for you there. Read the Bible, come to Jesus while you're alive, tomorrow might be too late!😩😫😵

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