Movie & TV-Series

Jonestown Massacre: How Many People Died in the Cult Murder?

Disclaimer: The article contains mentions of death and suicide. Reader discretion is advised.

Hulu’s new documentary Cult Massacre: One Day in Jonestown explores the terrifying murders that took place in the small town of Jonestown in 1978. Reports indicate that a cult leader, Jim Jones, established Jonestown in Guyana in 1974 and instructed his followers to move there. However, some of Jones’ followers killed a Congressman and his staffers while visiting the town. The cult leader then allegedly told his followers to commit suicide to prevent authorities from knowing the truth. As a result, a total of 918 people died in the Jonestown massacre.

According to the FBI, in November 1978, Congressman Leo Ryan visited Jonestown after hearing allegations of beatings, imprisonments, and more. However, when Ryan and his team reached, many people shared they wanted to leave the place with him. Subsequently, Ryan assured them that some people would leave with him. However, as they tried boarding his plane, a group of armed men opened fire at the plane and killed the Congressman.

On the other hand, Jim Jones instructed his followers to kill themselves and forced them to ingest poison. According to ABC News, they reportedly used cyanide for mass murder-suicide. The publication also noted that Jonestown residents ingested cyanide by mixing it with a drink called Flavor Aid, while others were administered the poison through injections. Meanwhile, reports indicate that Jim Jones died with a gunshot wound to the head.

Jonestown Massacre: What happened to over 900 Americans?

After the death of Congressman Leo Ryan, Jim Jones told his followers that they couldn’t live a normal life now. Citing the audio recording, USA Today reported that Jones instructed the people to “die in peace” and called the mass murder-suicide a “revolutionary act.” Even though some of his followers pleaded for their children’s lives, Jones told them to stop begging and die as a dignified person. He said, “Stop this hysterics. Die with some dignity.”

Subsequently, Jim Jones told everyone to be a part of the cult murder and gave them cyanide. The Jonestown Massacre death toll went up with each minute passing. Per ABC News, 907 out of 918 people died after consuming poison. Shockingly, 300 children died during the act.

The documentary Cult Massacre: One Day in Jonestown is available to stream on Hulu.

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