
Halloween (2018) – The Mask of Michael Myers Scene (1/10) | Clip

Halloween – The Mask of Michael Myers: Reporters Aaron (Jefferson Hall) and Dana (Rhian Rees) show the incarcerated Michael …

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  1. When did Michael myers go to Australia or Britain this movie is trash because this ain’t no game of thrones why do British people have to take this American thriller and make it British I am mad. And michael never looked like that, he look like he 40 yrs old the original Michael meyers was younger and tpstronher looking. This isn’t accurate at all. 🤔

  2. Obviously it’s a movie, plus the doctor wanted Michael to get out but I’m sure going to an insane asylum and willingly riling up and harassing a very dangerous patient would get someone kicked out if not arrested

  3. esta película, como las otras dos solamente destruyeron el legado de la primera película gracias al pendejo ese del director y la Jamie lee C. que se metio a cagarla en la producción. muuuy bien hecho ehhh, los felicito

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