
Gemini Man (2019) – Epic Sniper Scene (1/10) | Clip

Gemini Man – Epic Sniper: Henry (Will Smith) pulls off a one-in-a-million shot. BUY THE MOVIE: …

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  1. I don't think u could shoot at a moving target going that fast that far away cos iff u had the target in site and u shot well the bullet is gonna take about 1 half seconds to get there plus the train going 230 kph so inn

  2. I think it's hard for a lot of actors they spend so much time being a made-up person and they get so much money and forget there just another human. They begin to believe there above us like they won't grow old and die like all the rest of us. Its sad to see

  3. 0:36 very realistic detail, making sure his slap hand is properly supple for any time someone tells a joke about his wife. Not when someone is riding her like a bucking bronco though … strangely.

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