
Christine (1983) – Show Me Scene (4/10) | Clip

Christine – Show Me: Arnie (Keith Gordon) realizes the true power of Christine as the automobile supernaturally fixes itself.

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  1. I love that the commenters in this section go down every conceivable rabbit hole about Christine & Arnie's character, thoughts & motivations and collectively fires on all cylinders. Each & every one.

  2. I had a dream and it went something like this.

    I call it “A time for Fury”

    Dr. Emmett Brown, eccentric inventor and time-travel enthusiast, stood in his cluttered garage, wiping grease off his hands. His wild white hair stuck out in all directions, and his lab coat bore the scars of countless experiments. But today, he had a new vision—one that would rewrite history.

    Traveling home one day his eyes fell upon a 1958 Plymouth Fury parked on a neglected side street in a burned out front yard. Its crimson paint gleamed, but it held secrets darker than any rusted bolt. He bought the car from an old man. Her names Christine he said, they called her—a car possessed by malevolence. Doc Brown grinned. Perfect.

    He rebuilt the Fury, salvaging its engine, wiring, and chrome. He added a modified flux capacitor and a blood fueled carburetor, and instead of a plutonium-powered reactor, he used the Fury’s rage as fuel. The dashboard displayed cryptic symbols, and the odometer counted down—minutes, not miles.

    Doc Brown climbed into the driver’s seat, heart racing. He turns the key she roars to life he reves her engine, and the Fury growled like a beast awakened. The garage walls trembled. The time circuits blinked, and he set coordinates for a distant past. He put the petal to the floor. Like a bullet straight from hell she takes off, tires screeching, and vanished in a blaze of crimson light.

    1. Ancient Rome:

    The Fury materialized in a bustling Roman street running down anyone in the way. Citizens screamed, leaping out of its path. Doc Brown stepped out, toga-clad, and surveyed the chaos. The Fury’s hood bore fresh bloodstains. It had tasted vengeance.

    2. Renaissance Florence:

    In Florence, the Fury arrives on the shores of lake como crushing a local artist and his female model as he painted her. Destroying the artist’s masterpiece which would have become to be known as—the Mona Lisa. Doc Brown laughed maniacally, knowing da Vinci would never paint again. The Fury’s headlights glowed with malice.

    3. Victorian London:

    Jack the Ripper is in the middle of taking another victim strangling a women in a dark alley the fury quietly arrives through the shadowed fog. Suddenly her lights come on she darts toward the killer he begins to run. He's nowhere near fast enough. Christine hunts him down hes pulled underneath the fury, then she dissappears through time again leaving his mutilated bodie in her wake. Doc Brown watched, torn between horror and awe.

    4. Dystopian Future:

    The Fury arrived in a desolate wasteland. Doc Brown comes upon an old broken cemetery as he rolls through he spots a tombstone. It reads “Emmett Brown—Victim of Fury.” He chuckled. The car had become his legacy.

    5. Prehistoric Era:

    The Fury arrives smashing into a pack of raptors eating a fresh kill flattening one as it comes to a hault. Its tires spinning through blood and guts and then off through time again. Doc Brown scribbled notes, wondering if he’d altered evolution.

    But the Fury hungered for more. It craved chaos, its chrome fangs dripping with history’s blood. Doc Brown wrestled with guilt. Had he created a monster?

    Final Stop:

    The Fury returned to the garage, battered and scarred and damaged from the trip through time.. Doc Brown Steps out and faces her, trembling. “show me,” he whispered. Christine begins to creak and pop Her metal reforming the grill restraightening. The cracked glass resealing itself up as if nothing happened. Her engine starts and the lights come on. However this is the end of this experiment. “Your rampage ends here.”

    He climbs in the car for the last time. Instead of setting a new destination he reversed the time circuits and stepped back out, Christine is not about to stop she lurches forward on her own then takes off disappearing again. Doc had sent the Fury back to the original moment she arrived at the 1958 dealership. The new pristine Fury sitting up front on display for everyone to see. Suddenly the blood and rage fueled future version arrives in this time on the street at full speed in front of the lot no time to stop Christine smashes into herself obliterating the original. Her engine dies her lights dim her radio kicks on for the last time she suddenly fades away into nothingness. Erased from existence.

    Meanwhile back where Doc had watched the Fury drive away, he wondered: Had he saved the world or damned it? Perhaps both. But one thing was certain—the Fury’s vengeance would echo through time, a crimson specter haunting the annals of history.

    The End

  3. Christine is that one toxic girl who is not entirely mentally healthy, she is jealous of everyone, she wants to have you only for herself, but you love her anyway because she is incredibly beautiful and sensual ❤

  4. I believe when the car fixed itself there was a hydronic press inside the car to crush it from the inside, and they just played it in reverse !

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