
Mamma Mia! (2008) – Slipping Through My Fingers Scene (8/10) | Clip

Mamma Mia! – Slipping Through My Fingers: Donna (Meryl Streep) grieves over the end of Sophie’s (Amanda Seyfried) childhood.

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  1. Me and my mom used to watch Mamma Mia all the time when i was a kid. Now that im 16 years old I cry to this song every time I here it because now i barely see my mom anymore and it hurts really bad. I miss her. I just wish that she would loves me as much as Donna loves Sophie.

  2. Thankful to see this. Our daughter is getting married Saturday 13e July with David. This is truly what I feel as her mother. Thank God for your grace in Jezus Christus name Amen.

  3. my sister married yesterday and i thought i would be relieved because our mom and she fought a lot during the last months because of the stress but today is the actual first day she is out of the home and i feel like i lost my parent as she parented me more than my mom and now it’s time for me to be an actual adult even though i am 25 i am bawling my eyes out listening to this song 🥹

  4. My dad used to sing me this song , he passed away 7 years ago and the day I was getting married this song was repeating on my head 🤍🤍🤍 we sang together Im very sure ☺️

  5. Ive never had a good relationship with my mom. But this song makes me cry as I am watching my little girl grow up. I blinked and now she's 10. I'm determined to give her the mother that I never had ❤️❤️

  6. My grandma raised me and we used to watch this movie since I was a kid, and I always thought "Wow, Donna is just like my grandma" or "She's the coolest granny in the world". She always took me to school, since the first day of school until my last high school, at least, until the pandemic started in March of my senior year and she was isolated from me and my family. She couldn't recover from that. Now she's going through dementia, and seeing her lose her kind and charming nature has been the most heartbreaking thing. She's become sour and spiteful, and now I can't see her without thinking "This isn't my grandma, she's gone", so even if I visit the only feeling I get is grief. I can't listen to this song without shedding tears because I feel like she's the one singing to me. Taking my hand as she takes me to school. The only thing I hope is that she's sane enough to see me finish nursing school, because she's the one who inspired me to do so and if I had gotten this far in life, is thanks to her ❤.

    Sorry if it's too long, I'm still grieving and this song just hits too close to home.

  7. Even this song is from mother perspective but I as a son/daughter still felt this sad because time fly sure so fast I just felt like I was just being born yesterday and I don't have enough time to spend together all the time and just hope can freeze the Tim

  8. This makes me think back to when I was younger and my mum was always there for me and soon when I’m older I’m going to have to wave goodbye and move out and get married and I won’t need her anymore (I’m actually sobbing rn)

  9. This hits hard when all my life I'm on my mom side, sleeping beside her, follow her everywhere she went and now I have to go to college in other state… What will happen to her when I'm away she will sleep alone in the bed she will go out without me just thinking about it makes my heart break

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