
Instant Family (2018) – Daddy for the First Time Scene (5/10) | Clip

Instant Family – Daddy for the First Time: Pete (Mark Wahlberg) is thrilled to hear Lita (Julianna Gamiz) call him “Daddy” for the first …

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  1. I never fostered but my oldest is a step daughter from my second marriage. Yesterday I asked her do you want to meet your real dad? She told me no! I asked her why not? She told me because I have you.. I just wanted to ball my eyes out but I kept it together. It made me realize you just need to be present in your kids lives to give all the love they need!

  2. i was surprised when i watched this movie. I didn't expect it to be that good, but it has its moments that will make you cry for sure. This being one of them. I'm not a dad, but hearing that first "Daddy" can be emotional.

  3. My favorite part of this scene is when Juan is looking for Lizzy and Dad points her out, and he's like "oh yeah, she's right there." He just wanted some orientation and his dad provided that. Underrated part of the scene.

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