
Ocean’s 8 (2018) – Con Artistry Scene (1/10) | Clip

Ocean’s 8 – Con Artistry: Debbie (Sandra Bullock) cons her way into a hotel room. BUY THE MOVIE: …

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  1. I wonder that, if she had said the items were a gift & that the person giving the items to her didn't include the receipt, the sales person would have done a return on the items. I mean that does happen where the person who bought the gifts forgets to include the receipt. I guess it would depend on the store and its policy though. As for the hotel, the scene works in that its far more likely that a guest would say the room number out loud then a staff member because check-in staff (in most big hotels) are trained to write down the room number on either a map or the envelope for the key card and show it to the guest. This way if someone is lurking in the lobby, either a potential thief or possible rapist/serial killer, they don't hear what room you are in. I can't tell you how many times I've walked though a lobby and heard a person chatting on their phone and say their room number out loud. Now when I go to the desk for anything, I just hand them the room key so they can swipe it to see my information.

  2. I like how her dress fits her all this time while she was in prison I mean no weight gain hormonal.imbalance menopause belly facial hair sugar or cholestrol or any health issue causing her to become fat and old. She us sweet lovely as always. Great movie loved it

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