
Little Women (2019) – Jo & Friedrich Scene (8/10) | Clip

Little Women – Jo & Friedrich: Friedrich (Louis Garrel) pays an unexpected visit. BUY THE MOVIE: …

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  1. I love this. Before 2020 i saw this scene differently and now 2024 I can imagine being this happy with my community bc I feel I have one now, I'm happy for feeling that hope ❤

  2. Even Jo would never swear, openly! She wasn't raised by wolves! Thanks Greta, I hate it! But I do like the Garibaldi blouse though! Very Jo! However, We need to talk about the beachy wave up do? There was a trend towards Glengarry caps, in the 1860s! Very mannish, and perfect for Jo to genderbend in!

  3. Am I the only one who thinks Soirise (?) was poorly cast for this role? Honestly I feel like Florence Pugh was the only one who was actually well cast but her and Chalamet make a very odd pairing.

    Also why do all the main cast act like Millenials sent back in time? The 1994 version felt real because everyone knew how to act, and there were realistic age differences between everyone (ignoring Laurie's hysterically-fake facial hair)

  4. I hated how Greta Gerwig disrespected the book to promote the ideology of "empowering women without men or love", that isn't present in any of Louisa May Alcott's books. And this is very explicit in Professor Bhaer's character: she changes his nationality (of german to french, for unknown reasons), diminutes his scenes and shows in anothers more antipathic than in book, to difficult that the public simpathizes with him.

  5. Lauri is wearing the ring that Jo gave him❤! He has loved her for a long time, ever since he knew her, and he wanted to marry her, and now, in the advanced stages of the movie, he is still wearing Joe's ring, and I believe that he still loves her and will not stop loving her, and Amy is still Joe's sister, and he loved Amy, but his love for Joe is of the eternal kind that ends and will continue forever despite From his marriage.

  6. Wow, I relate so much with Jo, especially the way her eyes light up the moment she see's Friedrich. 0:13 This man doesn't have a lot of money in his pocket but she doesn't care about the man's money, she loves him for him. This is what it should be about. I know Laurie loved her and they both we're close but Freidrich seems like a better match for Jo in my opinion. This entire movie warms my heart so much. I actually teared up the first time I saw this movie. The music is so beautiful.

  7. I love Jo's and Friedrich's relationship! They compliment one another so well, especially in the novel. I think this relationship matures Jo in a way, making her softer and wiser, and that's why she introduced herself as Josephine–signifying growth.

  8. realistically, hannah would never have sat down with the family for a meal or for after dinner conversation. There were little details like that that Gerwig inserted to make this more warm and relatable but further it from the original text.

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